!ALL NEWS!             ☆            OCTOBER 2024:   I'LL NEVER STOP BEING EDGY.             ☆             SEPTEMBER 2024:   ALOPECIA, ANEMIA, AND DEPRESSIVE DISORDER RELAPSE: THIS AUTUMN ONLY, FOR A DISCOUNTED PRICE.             ☆             AUGUST 2024:   I HAVEN'T LEFT THE HOUSE IN TWO MONTHS AND 14 DAYS TOTAL.             ☆             JULY 2024:  SOMEHOW I THOUGHT I HAD THE RIGHT TO LIVE. I APOLOGIZE FOR THAT.             ☆             JUNE 2024:   STILL LACTOSE INTOLERANT, THE BATTLE CONTINUES. NOT BALD BTW.             ☆             MAY 2024:   IM GOING BALD I THINK. PLANNING AHEAD             ☆             APRIL 2024:  I HAVE WEPT. I AM GROWING, AND I AM REGRETTING             ☆             MARCH 2024:  THEY SHALL WEEP. THEY WILL REGRET.             ☆            

Wet wild watery corner of the WWW

About me!
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You are visitor # :-DDD 
You will see that amount of kittens in your remaining lifespan!

Do not take any of this as legal nor medical advice. I simply entertain.
Current advice count: [116] You can suggest new advice on my profile.

Pick an article ... if u even care

What is the difference between (fat) horse and (thin) cow?
I answer existential questions (and you are happy)
YOU are the problem: in defense of Minimalism

or go back to how it was after 222222.neocities

My button, your souvenir